AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, BricsCAD, Inventor, Revit, SolidWorks, MicroStation, Pro/E, SketchUp, 3ds Max, is a small sampling of CAD software and engineering related applications you can easily record time. BricsCAD BIM is a powerful architectural modeler that uses.dwg and supports Revit IFC import/export & SketchUp import. Why DesignSense? DesignSense Software Technologies, Bengaluru, INDIA is the nation-wide distributor for BricsCAD and other Bricsys products in India. We have successfully completed 12 years of representing Bricsys in India, both as a developer and sales-support point. We offer Read More.
@Michael Mayer said:
No clue if Meshes will slow down Bricscad 3D display
That's the essence, or one of the essentials, of Point Cloud enablement - algorithms to make display rotation etc go just as fast as with a relatively 'light' vector model, when meshes and point clouds are usually extremely 'heavy'.
Don't know how pure-mesh based 3D modellers do it, but un-enabled CAD (like present Brics) simply stalls, however hot the graphics card.
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Bricscad Vs Revit 2020
I have an ancient copy of PointTools, which rotates large point clouds splendidly, with decimation (temporary drastic simplification) of the image while rotation is happening, and re-appearance of the full image when rotation stops. Bentley bought PointTools, which is now their Point Cloud engine - but rotation is not nearly as satisfactory as implimented in Microstation - 'only partial implimentation' apparently - don't know why.
Bricscad Import Revit
I understand that decimation is done by creating ten or so different LoD versions of the model, which are deployed as necessary depending on how challenged the graphics card feels. Such decimation may be an essential part of VR, while the image is moving - maybe decimation cleverness within some VR software is that what we're seeing in this video
from Brics Conference 2017?
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Is this the fluency, with in this case a 70GB model incl Point Clouds/laser scans, that we'll be seeing on our own computer screens? As Erik says, this is showing VR from a company that Bricsys may well be buying, and I think that co was named during the Conference.