Current issue:Volume 20 No.4 December 2020 | Archives | Start Submission
Misprint Statement
  • Native Instruments Reaktor 6. A Blocks modular rack in split views. The main Panel stays tidy as all patching is in the Structure. After 10 years with no major updates, Reaktor bursts back into the spotlight with the ultimate virtual modular rack. Despite being a foundation of the Native Instruments product range, Reaktor has taken a back seat.
  • SHINE is dedicated to being the world leader in the safe, clean, affordable production of medical tracers and cancer treatment elements.

With the premiere of 'PRIMAL' on Amazon Prime some peeps have asked about the VFX on the film. Here is an example of one-shot that was done with the ship docked at port and we had to make it look like it was stranded in the middle of the sea. We had to transition from a real boat/shot to a 100% CG shot/boat after the shot started. A thermal-neutron reactor is a nuclear reactor that uses slow or thermal neutrons. ('Thermal' does not mean hot in an absolute sense, but means in thermal equilibrium with the medium it is interacting with, the reactor's fuel, moderator and structure, which is much lower energy than the fast neutrons initially produced by fission.).

Reaktor is a peer review scientific journal dedicated to publishing outstanding articles under the scope of chemical engineering and other related fields. In period 1997 to 2011, the Reaktor published two issues every year, i.e. in June and December. Since 2012, however, the Reaktor was published every April and October. A new policy was introduced in 2016 to response the increasing demand from authors by adding the number of the issue into four in one volume of publication year. Therefore, the Reaktor is issued in March, June, September and December. The Reaktor has successfully maintained its status as an accredited national journal as stipulated by Directorate General of Research Empowering and Developments, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education through SK No. 60/E/KPT/2016 for the next of five years (2016 to 2021) with p-ISSN No. 0852-0798 (printed version) and e-ISSN No. 2407-5973 (electronic version). in 2018 has been rank SINTA 2 through SK No. 30/E/KPT/2018. As an accredited national journal, the Reaktor has developed an online article management system. Hence, all the submission and review processes are conducted online.

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Volume 20 No.4 December 2020

Views: 169 | | Language: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.20.4.i-iv

Gita Indah Budiarti, Lukhi Mulia Shitophyta, Ndaru Okvitarini, Vinna Fajarwaty, Ayu Damayanti

Views: 296 | | Language: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.20.4.161-165

Cholila Tamzysi, Muflih Arisa Adnan, Fadilla Noor Rahma, Arif Hidayat

Views: 334 | | Language: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.20.4.166-173

Yulianti Sampora, Yenni Apriliany Devy, Dewi Sondari, Athanasia Amanda Septevani

Views: 196 | | Language: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.20.4.174-182

Angky Wahyu Putranto, Sakinah Hilya Abida, Khodijah Adrebi, Arta Harianti

Views: 325 | | Language: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.20.4.183-191

Erna - Yuliwati, Nurlailah - Nurlailah, Dian Kharismadewi

Views: 317 | | Language: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.20.4.192-202

Dyah Hesti Wardhani, Lucia H Rahayu, Heri Cahyono, Hana L Ulya

Views: 245 | | Language: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.20.4.203-209
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Dessy Ariyanti

Views: 193 | | Language: EN | DOI: 10.14710/

Total 172 citations from 73 documents (Last update: 2021-04-22 00:35:58).

  1. Abdullah Abdullah, Hanafi Mat

    Citation: 23 | | Volume 12, Nomor 1, Juni 2008 | pp. 48-52 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.12.1.48-52
  2. A. Ahmad, A. Wahid

    Citation: 10 | | Volume 11, Nomor 2, Desember 2007 | pp. 66-70 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.11.2.66-70
  3. Tutuk Djoko Kusworo, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Azeman Mustafa, Kang Li

    Citation: 8 | | Volume 12, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 | pp. 68-77 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.12.2.68-77
  4. Mochammad Djaeni, Dewi Ayuningtyas, Nurul Asiah, Hargono Hargono, Ratnawati Ratnawati, Wiratno Wiratno, Jumali Jumali

    Citation: 6 | | Volume 14, No. 3, APRIL 2013 | pp. 173-178 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.14.3.173-178
  5. Abdullah Abdullah

    Citation: 6 | | Volume 11, Nomor 1, Juni 2007 | pp. 50-52 | Lang: ENGLISH | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.11.1.50-52
  6. Mubiar Purwasasmita, Petrus Benny Juwono, Aysha Mareta Karlina, Khoiruddin Khoiruddin, I Gede Wenten

    Citation: 6 | | Volume 14, No. 4, OKTOBER 2013 | pp. 284-290 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.14.4.284-290
  7. A. F. Ismail, T. D. Kusworo

    Citation: 5 | | Volume 11, Nomor 1, Juni 2007 | pp. 30-37 | Lang: ENGLISH | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.11.1.30-37

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Top 7 popular articles by abstract views (in random order)

Reaktor 6
  1. Dessy Ariyanti, C Sri Budiyati, Andri Cahyo Kumoro

    View: 5026 | | Volume 15, No.1, APRIL 2014 | pp. 1-9 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.15.1.1-9
  2. Yuliusman Yuliusman, Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho

    View: 5445 | | Volume 14, No. 3, APRIL 2013 | pp. 225-233 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.14.3.225-233
  3. Sri Hidayati, Ahmad Sapta Zuidar, Astri Ardiani

    View: 4367 | | Volume 15 No.3 April 2015 | pp. 195-203 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.15.3.195-203
  4. Harli Talla, Hendra Amijaya, Agung Harijoko, Miftahul Huda

    View: 3888 | | Volume 14, No. 4, OKTOBER 2013 | pp. 267-271 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.14.4.267-271
  5. Agus Riyanto, Simon Sembiring, Junaidi Junaidi

    View: 7964 | | Volume 17 No. 2 Juni 2017 | pp. 96-103 | Lang: ID | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.17.2.96-103
  6. Mega Kasmiyatun, Bakti Jos

    View: 7232 | | Volume 12, Nomor 2, Desember 2008 | pp. 107-116 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.12.2.107-116
  7. Nur Rokhati, Aji Prasetyaningrum

    View: 7499 | | Volume 12, Nomor 1, Juni 2008 | pp. 42-47 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.12.1.42-47

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Prof. Dr. Andri Cahyo Kumoro
Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

Reaktor Prism

Jl. Prof. Soedarto SH Tembalang Semarang 50275

Tel +62-24-7460058 Fax. 62-24-76480675

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Dr. Aprilina Purbasari